Pin your Way to Conversions- The Pinterest Marketing Blueprint

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Pinterest is one of the most underutilized marketing channels and the easiest to get conversions on if you’re using it the right way.

While most people use Pinterest to save pictures of their dream house, a recipe of the next meal they’d like to make and DIY ideas or style inspiration, Pinterest can be used for way more than these mundane tasks.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest works like a Search Engine. With over 450,000,000 monthly active users on the platform, Pinterest’s link back to every post system is designed to give you conversions even with ZERO ad spend.

To learn how to leverage this platform, you need a good understanding of how it works, the type of content that works and what you should and shouldn’t be doing. This is exactly why I created Pin your Way to Conversions. 

Pin your Way to Conversions is an in depth,step by step Pinterest marketing Blueprint that covers  everything you need to know about how to create, build, grow and most importantly PROFITABLY scale your Pinterest presence with ZERO ad spend. 

In the course you'll find;

1) Methods & Strategies I used to scale my Pinterest accounts to reach a combined audience of 10,000,000+ and drive 1,000,000 plus people back to my blogs.

2) What currently works on Pinterest and what doesn't.

3) How to drive free, unlimited traffic to your blog or website with ZERO ad-spend.

4) How to find HIGH CONVERTING keywords on Pinterest.

5) The different types of pins on Pinterest:

Idea pins - How to use idea pins, getting conversions & understanding the analytics.

Video pins expanded- Best converting video pins, understanding video pin analytics, why your video pins aren’t converting.

Rich pins- Configuration & how they affect your conversion rate.

Pin graphics- How to get a high click through rate, best pin graphic creation practices, the best type of titles and CTA’s.

6) Utilizing trending topics and key tabs to rank 1 on Google & Pinterest.

7) A whole section on Pinterest Marketing featuring:

1. Pinterest for E-commerce (Titles that convert, product images, best practices).

2. Dropshipping using Pinterest-

A) Intro to dropshipping 

B) Finding the right product

C) Product relevancy on Pinterest 

D) Shopify website creation

E) Key apps you’ll need

F) Keyword research 

G) Utilizing shoulder niches

H) Marketing your dropshipping product

I also cover how to use Pinterest for:

3. Affiliate Marketing.

4. Growing your email list.

8) How to make money on Pinterest.

9) What you should not do on Pinterest.

10) Pinterest suspension solutions.

And so much more.

This E-book is for people who:

1) Are looking to learn how to use Pinterest Marketing to get conversions and drive traffic to their products, services or offers.

2) Are looking to learn how to make money from Pinterest. 

3) Are interested in learning how Pinterest for Business/Business accounts work and how to use all the features to their advantage.

4) Will take action and implement/test the different methods and strategies listed here.

5) Business owners & bloggers who are tired of spending thousands of dollars on other platforms without getting any conversions.

This course is not for people who:

1) Expect immediate results. Pinterest works like a slow search engine and good things take time.

2) Expect to find black hat methods listed here. 

3) Won’t take action and implement what they’ll learn. 

This E-book is regularly updated in line with all the Pinterest best practices and algorithm. Once purchased you get lifetime access to all future updates.

PS- This is not a video based course.

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Pin your Way to Conversions- The Pinterest Marketing Blueprint

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